Abstract Submission is closed!
The Scientific Program Committee will decide upon acceptance of submitted contributions. Eleven contributions will be selected for oral presentation in symposium Genomics of Common Disease, five contributions for symposium Functional Genomics and four talks for symposium Personalized Medicine. The corresponding authors will be informed about the acceptance after the abstract deadline. All accepted abstracts will be available to all participants at the conference in the abstract book, which will be available via the meeting webpage as well as on site.
• Information for abstract format
Abstract title: max. 250 characters incl. spaces
Abstract body: max. 2.000 characters incl. spaces
• Information for poster arrangements
Please regard the maximum poster format:
DIN A 0 (W x H: 841 x 1188 mm)
• Please place the NGFN logo onto your poster!
Download Logos here
Poster Award
We are pleased to inform you that this year for the fifth time we present in honour of Prof. Dr. Annemarie Poustka the “Annemarie Poustka Poster Award for Medical Genome Research 2012” sponsored by Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH.
posters will be evaluated by the program committee panel and the best
three posters will be awarded € 500 each. The ceremony is scheduled for
Thursday, December 13, 2012 around 2:00 pm.
Award Criteria
- A concise statement of the research problem making the importance of your work apparent.
- A clear description of the methods and an adequate data analysis warranting the drawn conclusions are absolutely crucial.
- The poster should be well organized and offer a clear, appealing presentation.
Poster Award will only be allocated to participants who are still
present with their posters at the award ceremony or who have nominated
a representative who will present their poster.
- Flyer (524.3KB)
- Abstract Book 2012 (3.3MB)